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Myrtille is a very professional, punctual and reliable translator. An excellent collaboration. We will continue working with her!
Responsable de compte
Agence de traduction
Myrtille is both an excellent creative translator and a delight to deal with -- professional and diligent throughout.
Responsable de compte
Agence de traduction
I had the chance to work with Myrtille for several years during my stay at Edelman Data x Intelligence. She not only analysed articles with precision, aiming to understand the clients’ needs and perspective, but she also managed complex media analysis reports which included the development of key insights and recommendations for the final client. She was always proactive in foreseeing and flagging any issue, attentive to the robustness of the databases. Always a pleasure to work with her!
Senior Research Executive
Global, multidisciplinary research, analytics and data consultancy
Notre agence travaille depuis de nombreuses années maintenant avec Myrtille. En tant que chef de projet senior, je lui confie les pierres brutes de traduction parmi les plus complexes à façonner, car je sais que sa méticulosité, son expertise, sa facilité à communiquer et son sens du détail (ainsi que sa réactivité, primordiale dans ce secteur) feront de chaque traduction un diamant poli et étincelant ! C’est un véritable plaisir de travailler avec Myrtille, toujours enjouée à chaque projet, dont la qualité de traduction demeure irréprochable au fil des années.
Chef de projet senior
Agence de traduction
Working with Myrtille on a translation project has been a pleasure from our first e-mail to the final delivery - she is very friendly, enthusiastic and she cares about her customers. The quality of her work is very high. She was also very understanding and flexible, and her work was delivered on time. I won’t hesitate contacting her again for help in future translation projects. I highly recommend her as a reliable professional with great linguistic and customer service skills. Thank you so much!
Senior Project Manager
Websites for translators
Myrtille non è solo un'ottima traduttrice, precisa e puntuale. E' anche una manager preparata e affidabile, in grado di gestire in autonomia e con efficienza progetti anche complessi in ambito commerciale/marketing e media. Ho avuto modo di apprezzare il suo lavoro su diversi fronti, e si è sempre dimostrata estremamente proattiva, disponibile, organizzata e orientata al risultato, oltre ad essere una persona affidabile e seria. E'un piacere lavorare con lei.
Directeur pays
Client direct
Myrtille has been a valuable collaborator of ours for more than 3 years now. She has collaborated with us on various translation and transcreation projects, especially in the marketing/advertising field. When creative skills are needed, we know we can count on Myrtille’s help. We would definitely work with Myrtille again and we recommend her services to anyone that needs a reliable and accurate partner for their translation projects
Responsable prestataires
Agence de traduction
Myrtille è una traduttrice estremamente precisa e professionale. Su ogni lavoro raccoglie con puntualità tutte le informazioni relative al contesto, è attenta alle singole sfumature e sempre pronta a condividere le diverse chiavi di lettura del testo da tradurre.
Chef de marque
Client direct
I've worked regularly with Myrtille and have always been very happy about the quality, as well as the communication and professionalism. I hope to continue working with her for many more years!
Responsable comptes clés
Agence de traduction
It is always a pleasure to work with Myrtille. She is Professional and approachable. We appreciate having her on our team.
Chef de projet
Agence de traduction
A more than reliable translator, Myrtille is always on time with top quality translations. Never had any quality issue with her.
Fondateur et PDG d’une agence de traduction
Myrtille is a very reliable person, task oriented and very good working in team. She has a good MKTG background and has a high level of adaptation.
Ancien directeur des ventes
Entreprise montres & bijoux
Myrtille is a translator with great language skills, very accurate, attentive to details and reliable. She delivers always in time. What else? It is really a pleasure working with her and I definitely recommend her for translation from English into French!
Chef de service
Agence numérique
Myrtille is a brilliant marketeer, very reliable, always positive, a good problem solver. A good level of creativity mixed with an analytical mind. She is very professional and focused to the objective, but at the same time she is active part in creating a pleasurable environment with the colleagues. Another interesting characteristic of Myrtille is her entrepreneurial spirit.
Ancien directeur marketing
Entreprise agroalimentaire
It's a real pleasure to work with Myrtille, since she has a great attitude to relationship and a strong focus on her working objectives. She's a great worker, accurate in her job, and able to share her knowledge and competence with collegues and partners.
Ancien prestataire de services
Agence de communication